Posted on 31 January 2012
There was a time that Candy School Fundraisers were the most common way to raise money. But that’s changed over the past few years. There’s a few reasons why it is not as common. Some are valid and some not so much. The biggest reason there’s been a reduction in candy school fundraisers has been […]
Posted on 27 January 2012
Times have changed and there is more to consider with Fundraisers for Youth Groups. In fact the entire process has evolved over the years. Ten years ago youth groups typically counted on the kids to raise money. The group would hand our fundraising brochures and each child was expected to sell fundraising products to friends, […]
Posted on 26 January 2012
I just got off the phone with someone asking for Unique Fundraising Ideas and it got me thinking about whether there really were unique fundraising ideas or had most every idea been done before. I probably should have just answered the question but decided to pursue the conversation with the caller to see what they […]
Posted on 25 January 2012
One of the best ways to insure spectacular attendance at fundraising events is to have a celebrity attend or even speak to your group. The Restoration, a faith-based event sponsored by the New Hope Gospel Church youth ministry program Extreme Fire, has been holding a fundraising event for 5 years. This year they expect to […]
Posted on 23 January 2012
There are different school fundraising cookie dough companies and different school fundraising cookie dough products you can choose as you probably already know. So how do you choose the best option? Start with the easy decision. Do you want to sell frozen cookie dough or something that does not require refrigeration? Most large groups gravitate […]
Posted on 19 January 2012
There is an abundance of information available on fundraising ideas all throughout the internet yet people still wonder How to Have a Fundraiser. So let’s chat about that for a few moments. We hear from lots of people wanting to know if they need to be part of a group to have a fundraiser. Most […]
Posted on 18 January 2012
There are lot of times Community Fundraising becomes a lifeblood to need people and families. That happens quite often when members of a community rally around a family with extraordinary medical expenses or needs. You read stories like the following all the time: “After 11-year-old Logan Baugher listened to his doctor say his leukemia had […]