Archive | August, 2009

Roundup: Social Media for Fundraising

Posted on 28 August 2009

I spent most of this afternoon watching the live video from the Social Media for Social Good conference.  Here’s a blog post with some tips from the presentation and more links: Roundup: Social Media for Social Good If you are on Facebook you’ve probably recieved “gifts” from your friends.  Anything from virtual plants to cupcakes, […]

Customize Communications to Increase Donor Loyalty

Posted on 26 August 2009

Maintaining a sufficient amount of donors is vital for a charity organization. Whether it is those who donate separate of an event or those who return year after year to your race, keeping them is a priority. We want to gain new supporters and initiate more funds, but if we let our veteran supporters slip […]

Free Teleseminar: Fundraising by Mail with Sandy Rees

Posted on 24 August 2009

It took some arm twisting, but I managed to get Sandy Rees to agree to join me for a one hour teleseminar, just for Step by Step Fundraising readers.  — For Free! — You see, Sandy is one busy, in-demand gal. In addition to the 7 Essential Steps to Raising Money by Mail, the book […]

The “Three R’s” of Fundraising Letters

Posted on 17 August 2009

You may have heard of the three R’s of education – Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Today we’ll look at what I call the “Three R’s” of Fundraising Letters and hear from one non profit who implements all three of these ideas. […]

21 Fundraising Success Stories: Be Inspired, Learn by Example

Posted on 10 August 2009

Need some inspiration?  New fundraising ideas from other successful fundraisers?  Here’s a list of great fundraising success stories and case studies.  These range from huge formal balls to small house parties and one-on-one donation requests. I challenge you to find at least one strategy from these stories that can make a big impact for your […]

Four Grant Strategies for Nonprofits When Foundation Giving is Down

Posted on 03 August 2009

A Foundation Center report released earlier this year states that almost two-thirds of foundations expect to reduce grant payouts in 2009.  This report was based on surveys of 1,200 US Foundations. If your nonprofit has relied heavily on grants in the past you could be at risk.  In fact, you may already be feeling the […]