Posted on 27 June 2008
Jeremy Gregg does a great job of describing the personalities of people who give to charity in The Seven Faces of Philanthropy. I like the photos that he’s chosen to represent the various giving styles. (At the risk of being trite, you know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.) His post […]
Posted on 26 June 2008
Though giving from U.S. foundations was up in 2007, the investment market isn’t looking pretty for anybody. We can expect that numbers for 2008 will be quite different. Foundations effected by declining investment markets are likely to give less and you may be on the other end of some letters declining funding this year. So […]
Posted on 17 June 2008
Asking people to donate money is never an easy task. In tough economic times, it’s even more difficult. If people are struggling to pay their mortgage and utilities, how can they find any extra for your organization? I, like many of you in the non-profit sector, have had to exist in this challenging reality for […]
Posted on 13 June 2008
Today I’m focusing the roundup on how non-profits can connect with Gen X and Gen Y (aka Millenials). By definition these two groups combined encompass a wide range from age 10 to 43. Though some generalizations about even this range of ages can be made. For example, many people younger than the boomers want to […]
Posted on 12 June 2008
Dinners, auctions, and golf tournaments are just a few of the fundraising events that groups use to raise funds to provide patient services, research and advocacy for cancer issues. It’s Relay for Life season… thousands of people across the US and across the world gather to walk, stay overnight and celebrate the lives of those […]
Posted on 12 June 2008
Sales guru Zig Ziglar said, “If you have enough push, you don’t have to worry about the pull.” No matter what you believe about the current economic outlook, if you are a not-for-profit, cutbacks on the part of grantmakers and donors will likely affect your ability to raise funds requiring you to push that much […]
Posted on 10 June 2008
I knew going straight to the expert on the topic of appreciation would be the best way to finish up this series. But rather than just give us an article, Mike Robbins volunteered to do an interview! In this 42 minute audio Mike shares practical ways to focus our attention on appreciating ourselves and others. […]