Tag Archive | "politics"

Lessons from Presidential Fundraising

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If you think presidential fundraising is different than the way you raise money think again. There are lots of similarities. The one I’d like to discuss today is the need to bring star power to your fundraising event.

Apparently former President Bill Clinton has agreed to make joint appearances with President Barack Obama at a series of campaign fundraisers. One would think having the current President present would be enough for any fundraiser. But the people in charge of raising money understand the need for even more star power.

So the handlers have arranged for President Clinton to join Obama on the fundraising trail. They must figure that the former president is more impactful with certain donors than the current president. That the combination of the two will bring an electricity that will fire up their donor base differently than if either man worked independently.

The lesson for us, then, is how do we fire up our donor bases? What can we do to bring excitement and publicity to our cause. What can we do to broaden our donor base and bring in more money?

Those are questions that need to be asked and that can only be answered on an organization by organization basis. You need to think outside the box. The problem many groups have is they are uncomfortable or unwilling to go outside their organization for help. But just consider presidential campaign and its understanding that by itself it could raise money but by partnering with others the end results could possibly be much higher.

Would that work for you as well?

Politics and Fundraising

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Politics and fundraising. They seem like such different worlds but they sure do have a huge impact on each other.

That has never been more evident than the recent conflict between President Obama and the Catholic church over the need to include no cost contraceptives in their health care policies.

Consider this article from the LA Times:

“Reporting from Washington— The Obama administration’s new requirement that most health insurance plans provide contraceptive services has exploded into a high-octane political weapon, with combatants on both sides scrambling to score points among the electorate and gin up fundraising from their most ardent supporters. “

Both political parties have pounced on the dispute and are using the point hard in their fundraising attempts. They both feel strongly about their ideaology and want like minded people to support them based on that ideaology. So when a conflict arises that gets as much air time as this dispute then you see it used as a focal point in fundraising circles.

The LA Times article continues:

“Meanwhile, activists mobilized for battle, using the issue to raise money. Labor and health advocacy groups allied with Democrats plan a blitz this week in key battleground states: Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Florida.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee declared in a fundraising pitch: “Our right-wing opponents continue to launch attack after attack against women’s rights, women’s health, and women’s economic security — and we’ve got to fight back every single day.” The National Republican Senatorial Committee also launched a petition and donation drive.

“The Democrats are using Obamacare to force religious groups to defy their deeply held beliefs,” the group said on its website. “Where has our freedom gone?” The Faith and Freedom Coalition, a group led by longtime conservative leader Ralph Reed, asked supporters in an email, “Have you had enough of Obama’s war on religion?” If so, the email said, sign a petition and make a contribution now.”

As you can see politics and fundraising are in fact inextrictably linked. That’s the way it has been and that is the way it will continue. Get people charged up and they open their purse strings.