Archive | December, 2011

The Best Non Profit Fundraising Ideas

Posted on 22 December 2011

When you want to make a positive difference in the world, you may decide that holding a fundraiser is the best option. After all, fundraisers help to raise money fast and encourage people to work together in the name of a good cause. But sometimes deciding on which cause needs your efforts the most can […]

Big Sports Team Fundraising Ideas

Posted on 21 December 2011

When you want to make a difference at your high school, you might have decided that holding a sports team fundraiser is the way to go. After all, there are many benefits to sports team fundraising ideas, from bringing in extra money to the school that will go toward paying for new sports team equipment, […]

Golf Fundraising Suggestions

Posted on 16 December 2011

When you really want to make a difference at your school and bring in some extra funding that will help go towards making a better environment for the students, you might have considered holding a fundraiser to help reach your targets. There are many different sports teams within the school that could use some extra […]

The Best Mission Trip Fundraising Ideas

Posted on 15 December 2011

When you want to do something positive to help a good cause, you may have decided that mission trip fundraising ideas are the way to go. With mission trip fundraising, you will be helping Christian volunteers improve the lives of others who may have a lower quality of life. Your efforts will go toward funding […]

Healthy Fundraising in Schools

Posted on 14 December 2011

When you want to make a difference at your high school by doing something good for other people, you may have decided that holding a fundraising event is the best way to go. After all, it is a great way to raise money for the school or an outside charity, while also getting all of […]

Developing Your Sorority Fundraising Ideas

Posted on 09 December 2011

When you are part of a college sorority, you will know about all of the great benefits to working as a team for a good cause. This could be something that directly benefits all of your sorority sisters, like raising funds for upgrades to your sorority building. Or it could be something you do in […]

Choosing the Right Cookies for Fundraisers

Posted on 07 December 2011

You probably already know that cookies for fundraisers are a great idea to help your group do the things it wants to do. But these days, there are so many cookie dough fundraisers out there, it can be difficult to know where to begin looking for the right one for your group. A lot depends […]