Archive | February, 2006

Are You Making These Fundraising Mistakes?

Posted on 24 February 2006

I’m a board member of a local nonprofit and we are about to launch our annual campaign. Like other nonprofits in our community, we are facing a very competitive funding environment. There are more agencies seeking more money from more sophisticated donors. […]

Kiss a Pig Fundraiser

Posted on 24 February 2006

One of the fun fundraisers listed on this site sparked an idea in one parent’s mind. Carla Cope from San Diego California wrote to tell me how they used this fundraiser in the local high school: Sandra, I want to thank you for your website. I really appreciate the information and resources for fundraising ideas! […]

Key Web Sites for Researching Prospects and Donors

Posted on 20 February 2006

Recently, we began assisting a new inner-city Episcopal school in Denver. The leaders of this school are constantly meeting new people of wealth, but they don’t know the tips and tricks in which to cultivate and solicit these individuals to become financial contributors to the school. This is where prospect research expertise comes into the […]

Thanking Donors On A Dime

Posted on 10 February 2006

How can we show our supporters our heartfelt thanks without using their donated money to do it? The best suggestion is to take the lead of your donor community and incorporate some inexpensive ideas to show your appreciation. […]

Lead by Example

Posted on 08 February 2006

Marc Pitman’s newsletter this week really brought out a great point. It’s a simple but very powerful idea about fundraising. Those who are raising money for a cause have to be […]

Press Release How-To Course

Posted on 06 February 2006

Earlier this year when I was interested in learning more about publicity I came across the The Press Release Profits System from Alice Seba. This course includes an audio seminar of over an hour and a half plus […]