Archive | April, 2010

Auction Teleseminars: Half Price Sale Ends Friday April 30th

Posted on 29 April 2010

If you have an auction on the horizon start getting prepared now.  The Secrets of the Charity Auction Experts teleseminar series provides solid advice from seasoned fundraisers and auctioneers. It includes over 3 hours of audio interview playback and text transcripts you’ll discover the keys to getting more  auction items, getting higher bids and creating […]

Food Banks Beating the Fundraising Odds in a Tough Economy

Posted on 26 April 2010

According to the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) 2009 State of Fundraising Survey, only “43 percent of charities raised more money in 2009 than in 2008, marking it the worst year for charitable fundraising in a decade.” The survey states that declines were consistent regardless of cause. However, several of the food banks that I […]

What are the impact of tax incentives on giving?

Posted on 07 April 2010

Awhile back I got a great question by email about the tax benefits for charitable giving: Are you aware of any data or where one might find data, on comparing how much people donate when tax deduction is and isn’t available….that is, data that would quantify the impact tax incentives have on giving? ~ Jane […]

Generate more revenue at your charity auction by breaking up the party

Posted on 06 April 2010

In this economy, one strategy to help you maintain a strong overall sale value of a party is by splitting up the value among many bidders. Here’s how it works. Remember the adage, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts?” For example, a house is more valuable than the individual pieces of […]