Archive | November, 2006

National Walk for Epilepsy

Posted on 30 November 2006

The Epilepsy Foundation has planned the first-ever National Walk for Epilepsy… Epilepsy Walk or Walk-a-thon will be on March 31, 2007…

Online Seminar: How Small Groups Can Raise Big Money

Posted on 29 November 2006

Have you ever thought, “If only we had our own building? Or, “If only we could create a reserve fund to get us through our lean times? Or “If only we had the money to build a health clinic or theater or new school?” You will be surprised at how much money you can raise, […]

8 Publicity Questions to Ask When Planning Your Special Event

Posted on 14 November 2006

One of the biggest mistakes event organizers make is forgetting about publicity until after almost all the planning is complete. Do that, and you’ll blow your chances of getting the best coverage possible. Smart Publicity Hounds are aware of any and all media opportunities and keep them top of mind when planning. Here are eight […]

Does Your Civic Group Need a Community Grant?

Posted on 08 November 2006

And I thought lawn racing was just on King of the Hill. 😉 I grew up in a small town so I can relate… making this video even more entertaining. Stay tuned to the end to see why these everyday guys are really hometown heroes. Everyday heros from towns large and small are making a […]

Make Friends & Raise Funds with a Fundraising Houseparty

Posted on 07 November 2006

In March of this year I recieved a review copy of The Fundraising Houseparty kindly sent to me by the author, Morrie Warshawski. After reading through the small 58 page book I knew that this was a great funrdaising strategy that would work for many cause oriented groups. […]

Welcome Tracie

Posted on 01 November 2006

If you’ve contacted us via the webform or in regard to one of our ebooks, CDs or other products in the past month or so you may have heard from Tracie Davis. I’ve known Tracie for several years and when I started looking for a customer service agent she was the first person that came […]