Archive | March, 2012

Even Towns Look for Fundraising Ideas

Posted on 16 March 2012

Times are getting so bad that even towns are looking for fundraising ideas to raise money and other ways to reduce spending. Shawn Touhill, a Doylestown Township supervisor, got people together as part of a new town fundraising committee. They gathered Monday night to brainstorm ideas for saving and raising money. Most of the ideas […]

Activity Based Fundraisers Booming

Posted on 07 March 2012

We ran across an article the other day that was encouraging. It talked about activity based fundraisers like walks and runs and how they had set new fundraising records in 2011. For the past few years there’s been lots of talk of the decline in product fundraising. The main reason given time after time has […]

Lessons from Presidential Fundraising

Posted on 06 March 2012

If you think presidential fundraising is different than the way you raise money think again. There are lots of similarities. The one I’d like to discuss today is the need to bring star power to your fundraising event. Apparently former President Bill Clinton has agreed to make joint appearances with President Barack Obama at a […]

7 Fundraising Tips

Posted on 05 March 2012

Here are some basic fundraising tips: 1. Start with a List: Put togther a list of friends, family, neighbors and anyone else you might contact to raise money from. The more people the better. But don’t add people for the sake of adding them. The names on this list should be people you will actually […]