Posted on 06 April 2009
There are two kinds of bowlers – those who wouldn’t miss the opportunity to play every week and those who bowl once in a blue moon just for fun. The goal of any successful bowlathon fundraiser is to merge these two groups and make money by asking bowlers to pledge a minimum amount and raise […]
Posted on 03 April 2009
National Volunteer Week is coming up April 19-25, 2009 (thanks to Joanne at for the reminder!) This could be a great time for your nonprofit to recognize, show appreciation for and step-up your volunteer organization efforts. For many groups volunteers are a crucial part of keeping the organization funded. Here are some articles with […]
Posted on 02 April 2009
I’ve been writing the Step By Step Fundraising Monthly Newsletter nearly since starting the site in November 2003. For many subscribers, a monthly schedule works out pretty well. The once monthly email includes timely announcements and feature articles. However if you’d like to get more frequent notices of when new content is added to this […]