Archive | March, 2007

Fundraising on eBay – An Interview with author Jill Finlayson

Posted on 22 March 2007

What is it the commercials say? You can find “it” on eBay. “It” can be just about anything – from collectables, the latest fashions, comic books and even cars and homes. Many charities are now diving into the world of online auctions at eBay, using them as a tool in their fund-raising toolbox with great […]

Padding the Bottom Line: Add-On Fundraisers For Special Events

Posted on 21 March 2007

For many non-profit organizations, a dinner and silent auction is the most significant fundraiser of the year. The opportunity to generate substantial revenue is great, if the event is well-planned and well-executed. While the items your team has procured for bid at the auction are sure to bring in buckets-full of cash, it is also […]

Special Event Tickets: Determining Tax Deductible Amounts

Posted on 20 March 2007

Non profit organizations that raise funds through events need to let attendees know the dollar amount of the event ticket that is tax deductible for IRS income tax reporting purposes. Deciding what this amount should be can be a taxing problem (pardon the pun) for many groups, as the following question illustrates: Where can I […]

Recycling Fundraiser a Success

Posted on 13 March 2007

Funding Factory supplies community organizations a way to help the environment while raising money for their cause through a laser and ink jet printer cartridge and cell phone battery recycling program. We were able to catch up with a participant in the program to get some feedback. Sue, a member of the West Corner Campus […]

Trouble at the Silent Auction!

Posted on 05 March 2007

Tonight is the night. After months of planning, months of meeting, and months of detailing, it’s auction time! Everything has come together: the volunteers, the items, and the guests. Now all that’s left to do is start the bidding and collect the money. You are finally dressed for the evening, everyone’s in place, people are […]