With so many different fundraising options out there, not much attention is paid to the youth teams. Parents and teachers alike can come together and raise money for the children to continue honing their skills and discovering their talents in sports. Because some schools lack budgets to support their teams, sports fundraisers are held to fill the financial gap. There is a wide array of great ideas to raise money for little kids’ sports programs.

One of the most popular options is to sell little league cookie dough. Let’s face it—everyone loves cookies! A little goes a long way for these sugary treats as everybody will surely buy a piece or two. They are easy to sell by piece or by dozens—depending on how good they are!—so organizers must make sure to come up with quality scrumptious cookies that will definitely sell and bring in the money for the fundraiser. A bake sale is a common fundraiser that will also work with sports fundraising. Parents and teachers can come together to bake cupcakes and other handy pastries that are easy on the budget but will definitely sell.

CLICK HERE for details on the top cookie dough fundraisers.

A fun way to integrate a food that everyone loves, with raising money is selling local pizza store discount cards. Take a trip to the neighborhood’s favorite pizza parlor and ask them to participate in the sports fundraising activity by either being at the sports event or providing some great offers to be printed out on discount cards. Other establishments that may provide great discounts include sandwich shops, local restaurants, florists, dry cleaners and car washes. Make sure that it is a popular service that most people frequent and everybody will enjoy.

Finally, a great way to send a “green” message while fundraising is by doing recycling. With the mass of pollution and environmental damage people encounter everyday, it does not hurt to try and help save the earth and what’s left of it. Parents and teachers alike will definitely want to help preserve the environment for their children and the generations to come. Everyone can give a hand in this type of fundraising activity—all they need to do is collect empty ink jet cartridges or soup labels to give back to the local grocery store, who will in turn provide an amount of cash for the little league. Make sure that the business is willing to participate in the cause and support the fundraising activity.

Posted on 14 September 2010

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