Step By Step Fundraising Newsletter

April 2007

In this issue -

- Planning a Fundraising Event - First episode in this Fundraising Teleseminar Series is Free!

- cMarket Webinars - Learn more about how online auctions work

- Step by Step Fundraising Audio Archive

- Get Notified about Other Training Opportunities

Are you a fundraising "know it all"?

I'm pretty well versed in a lot of fundraising topics but the more I learn, the more I realize there is always more to learn!

That's why I read books, newsletters and take classes whenever possible.



Classroom Based Training

If you have a non profit management center near you I highly recommend checking out the courses they have available. Currently I'm working on a continuing education certificate in non profit management from our local center, in partnership with the Dallas Center for Non Profit Management.

Many cities across the USA have these centers, sometimes they are called non profit resource center or something similar. If you don't know if there's one near you, enter those phrases in your favorite search engine. (I have not found a comprehensive list of offices. If anyone knows of one let me know.)

Your local college or university may also offer classes. Check their website, you may be surprised at the training available.

Distance Learning

Of course non profit professionals and volunteers are very busy people. Sometimes time schedules and cost constraints can prevent one from taking classes.

Okay, guys and gals... now there are no more excuses.

You can learn online through a variety of web based classes or listen to an audio recording at your leisure. Many of these are free.

Here's the scoop...


Planning a Fundraising Event Free Teleseminar

Raising Greater Funds: Secret Strategies to Increase Your Fund Raising Success is a series of fundraising seminars and the first one is free on the Raising Greater Funds website. You'll see the link in the right hand column. You can click to listen online or right click and save to your computer to listen later.

This recording focuses on fundraising events, in particular, lessons Tom & Amy Casey learned from planning a basketball tournament. Not just a one time deal, this tournament has run successfully for 17 years and continues to grow each year.

One of the points that Amy makes that should be memorized by fundraising event planners:

Any expenses that are going out are taking away from your fundraiser. And they are taking away from whatever your cause is. The people that are donating and coming to your event want the money to go to the cause not to pay for the stuff.

Well said! I totally agree. In most cases your group should get everything donated. It may take a few years to build up, but passionate supporters, many of whom are business owners or in a position to make donations, will help keep expenses low.

If you are planning a special event this one teleseminar can save you hours of work and increase the funds raised by 2x, 3x or 10x what you'd normally see.

As I mentioned the first audio is a free download on the website. There will be 5 additional audios, and for the whole series it's $97. I'll be speaking on one of these classes about online fundraising. I'm honored to be a part of this series which will include great information on a variety of topics that you can put into action to further your non profit's vision.

Find out more about Raising Greater Funds series and download the first audio for free.

Online Auctions Free Online Seminars from cMarket

cMarket offers a complete system for staging on online auction. There are a lot of non profits using ebay, but I recommend cMarket because they offer a much more robust system specifically designed for non profit groups.

The cMarket online auction offers many ways to enhance donor relationships and corporate sponsorship opportunities. It can even be combined with a live event.

cMarket is offering a series of free online seminars to introduce groups to online fundraising. These sessions last about 45 minutes and you can tune in live from your desk.

There are general NPO online seminars as well as cause category specific - please check back regularly for updated dates and topics. General audience seminars are on Thursday, April 5 and Wednesday, April 18 at 2 PM EST.

Register for one of these seminars or check for other dates

Step by Step Fundraising Audio Archive

Over the past few years of publishing this site I've created several audio recordings. Somehow when the site was redesigned awhile back the link leapt off the page. ;)

In the Step by Step Fundraising Audio Archive you can learn about asking for donations, writing fundraising letters, planning a raffle and more.

Get Notified about Other Training Opportunities

I regularly post notices about other fundraising and non profit Seminars & Training when I hear about them.

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So what have you learned about fundraising lately? Was it in a class or from "on the job" experience? If you'd like to share with your fellow fundraisers send an email with the details. We'd love to hear from you!


To Your Continued Fundraising Success,

Sandra Sims
Editor & Publisher
Step By Step Fundraising

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